Philly - Old Streets & Tomato Pies


I love impromptu day trips! Granted, who doesn’t love long trips that take months to plan and get excited for weeks ahead of schedule. But there is something refreshing about the unexpected day trip. While spending time visiting the in-laws in New Jersey we decided to take a day to drive down to Philadelphia.

My favorite part of the trip was getting to stop and see the oldest residential street in the United States, Elphret’s Alley. This tiny little cobblestone street unassumingly hidden a block from the Delaware was undeniably charming. The homes are narrow, stacking three stories high right next to one another. To my surprise, the majority of them are still occupied!

I always find it fascinating how homes that are on the historical register can have their own personality. A simple splash of color went a long way in this case. They were all connected by a spanning wall of brick, BUT a simple paint color to the trim, doors, and window shutters made all the difference. Not only did they just pick a color; simple, traditional, and timeless colors were chosen to bring happiness and individuality to each of the spaces.

After the visit, I was treated to my first Tomato Pie. Which I had never heard of! One of my favorite things in the world is cold pizza. Take the stomach upsetting dairy cheese off the top and you have yourself a tomato pie. Talk about yummy!!